Why Travel Solo?

“Oh my god, you’re so brave!” – “I could never do that!” – “Won’t you get lonely?”

Sound familiar? If you’ve ever traveled solo… or told your friends and family that you’re going on a trip by yourself… you probably have heard comments like these. Perhaps one of your friends told you about a trip, and you made a remark like this to her!

Traveling alone is an experience not to be missed.

Benefits to solo travel

  • Your schedule and time is all your own
  • Your decisions are your own 
  • You can choose when you want to engage and when you want to reflect

What sights do you want to see? Want to stay up late or go to bed early? What are you in the mood to eat? If you want to derail from the plan (or if you don’t want to plan AT ALL) you never have to sacrifice your own desires for someone else’s.

I’m not going to tell you you shouldn’t travel with someone; that is a decision you can make after having all the facts. I just don’t want you to overlook solo travel because of fear — fear that you can’t be alone. In fact, I was hardly ever alone when I didn’t want to be!

I met so many people that became lifelong friends, people I never would’ve met if I had been traveling with someone and my attention was focused only on them.

When you’re traveling alone, you look outwards. You’re so much more approachable alone. Plus, it’s easy to spot other people in the same boat as you. You get the incredible opportunity to experience different people in different situations, from different places and of different cultures. It’s eye-opening and incredibly rewarding. 

What kinds of experiences have you had with solo travel? Share in a comment below!

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