I’m in My 30s and Single — But ‘Looking’ I’m Not

I hate the question: “What are you looking for?”

I also hate any derivative of: “Hang in there, you will find him.”

Because surprise surprise, I am not looking for a man. I’m not looking for ANY one. 

Looking is an active word; ‘looking’ implies I’ve lost something, or something is missing from my life, and that’s just not the case.

I am single, but my life is not lacking or incomplete.

I’m open and receptive to meeting him, but I’m not looking. I’m living my life — pursuing personal growth and professional milestones.

Bottom line: the man who ends up in my life is going to be there not because he fills a void, but because he enriches and adds value to my already-rich, complete life.

In 2010, I took ballroom dancing lessons.
In 2011, I went on a solo trip to Greece.
In 2013, I bought a house.
In 2016, I joined a chorale and got a puppy.
In 2017, I took a 4-week trip to Europe and started my blog.
In 2019, I sang and danced in front of audiences of a thousand.
In 2020, I keynoted a conference.
In 2021, I’m writing a book. (Subscribe to my email list to keep up-to-date!)

I refused to put off my life to wait for a man. And I want YOU ALL to know — you have choice. You have options. There is more in this world to aspire to than relationship status. Chase that dream and ASPIRE.

What do you aspire to? 

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6 thoughts on “I’m in My 30s and Single — But ‘Looking’ I’m Not

  1. I loved the thought of chase your dreams and aspire. It implies that the one who has been written to come into the life will come and stay. Beautifully written and you don’t look like in the 30’s.

  2. Now this is inspiring – to have a life that you love, without a partner is unusual, but definitely what I am chasing too! I am 30 and divorced, no kids and I feel so liberated not to be tied down anymore! I am busy building a life I love!

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