How to Take a Sabbatical: Get My Guide

It’s time… for your radical sabbatical!

Are you gathering the courage to leave the workforce and take a career break (or career breakup)?

Money and Mindset: How to Take a Sabbatical is an eBook that helps people who dream of quitting their jobs and embarking on a life-changing journey around the world… but are worried about money, the impact to their career trajectory and personal finance, filling their time and making friends… and all the questions and uncertainties that come with such a decision, including, “What if I make a mistake?”

You’ve been living the conventional American way of life… and it’s time for change.

  • You’re burned out from work, your mental or physical health is suffering, and you want balance
  • You need a change in scenery, more time for leisure or family, or to do something more fulfilling with your time
  • The pandemic or other current or personal events have made you re-think your priorities, and busting your butt for your employer who doesn’t appreciate you, all to climb that career ladder and make that paycheck… is NOT at the top of your list anymore

It sounds like it’s time for a career break, an “adult gap year,” a mini-retirement, or a one-year sabbatical. But it’s a huge decision. Where to start and how to prepare?

Hi, I’m Julie

I grew up in the Midwest, later moved to Phoenix, Arizona — and I’ve been a full-time nomad and solo traveler for 2½ years.

And in late 2021, after 14 exhausting years in the workforce — I quit my high-profile, lucrative remote job to travel the worldrest and recharge, and do my own thing

After realizing how powerful this freedom and opportunity to reset is, and how much support people need due to the lack of reliable advice and information out there, I wrote this eBook, which addresses both the mindset AND the money when it comes to taking a career break or early retirement.

I was once where you are, unsure how to match my goals and my aspirations with my current reality, afraid of what might go wrong and if I had enough money to make it work. But I made it through, and I’m helping others do the same.

The first step is the toughest, but let me tell you… life is so good on the other side!


Learn how to budget for a career break, no matter your current financial situation

Facing limiting beliefs

Address the many emotions that exist both before and after quitting, and silence the critics

Designing & aligning

Design your next chapter of life, in alignment with your priorities, values, and goals


Take back your time and identity, and maximize your reclaimed freedom

“Quitting has become a bad word, but it shouldn’t be stigmatized. It’s not a sign of weakness. It’s ok to quit, and put your energy and effort towards something more fulfilling […] you’re not escaping your life, you’re embarking on a new chapter with the fruits of your last chapter.”

Money and Mindset: How to TakE a Sabbatical” ~ Julie B. Rose

Are you ready to get the guide, and learn how to take a sabbatical?

Plus, purchasers will receive an email invitation to my next live webinar and Q&A— no question is off-limits!

So, should I send you a copy?

You’ll get all the information in an easy-to-digest digital download, which you can print or read from your device or desktop.


If you’re not ready to take the leap, but still want to incorporate more international travel into your life… consider joining one of my group trips!

Here’s what you can expect on my mini-sabbaticals:

  • Small groups of 8-16
  • Authentic, culturally immersive, curated experiences
  • Group activities and excursions for bonding and shared moments, AND solo or free time so you can practice flexing your solo travel muscles
  • Professional guides (I’m one of the travelers, right there along with you!)
  • Ideal travelers are open-minded, curious, and motivated to broaden their horizons — and age is but an attitude!
  • 3-5 trips per year (available first-come, first-serve) in different locales and of different price points

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