You CAN Afford It: How to Travel When You Don’t Have Tons of Savings

Traveling doesn’t have to break the bank. Trading and bartering has been around for centuries, and the internet has made it more possible than ever to exchange work, expertise, and camaraderie for lodging. So here are four actual, real-life, TACTICAL ways to travel without spending bucket loads of money... and all you need is a keyboard and a mouse to get started!

I Looked Before I Leapt: How I Spent The Last 4 1/2 Years Getting Ready to Quit My Job and Travel the World

Before you say, "I’m one of those people who will never get ahead, who will never be able to save, who will never be able to not work"... in 2017, I had no job, a car I owed on, a $1,350 house payment on a house full of stuff I never used, peanuts in my 401K, and only $1,500 in cash. That was my situation, and I made changes. You can too.

Money-Saving Food and Dining Hacks for the Frequent Traveler or Nomad

Dining is one of the biggest categories people spend money on. Being nomadic and mobile, I don't have the same ability to buy groceries in bulk, stock my pantry, and make a ton of meals at home. But comparing my spending last year to this year, I’ve spent less in 2021 — by about $4,000. Here are some of the travel hacks to keeping my dining budget in check.