6 Formative Moments that Taught Me the Value of Money

I’m a nomad, who sold her house, quit her job, and is traveling the world... and I want to tell YOU, and anyone else who looks at me in AWE of my rebellious and fearless escape: I am not a superhero. I’m an average woman, WHO DID AN UNAVERAGE THING. I see money and time differently than most folks, as a result of some pivotal and life-changing experiences. Read all about it.

3 Mindset Shifts That Will Change the Way You Think About Personal Finance

I like to run for exercise. Running can be done just about anywhere, it doesn’t require equipment, I can do it solo, and there’s no special ability required (I just adjust my pace accordingly). In fact, I've ran five half-marathons (none of them very fast, mind you). When I train, I work on improving my physical endurance, my speed, AND my mental fortitude. These three mindset shifts have revolutionized my running performance AND, interestingly enough, my financial well-being.

What Are Your Money, Time, and Emotional Energy Wasters? Cut That Overhead

I had a great conversation recently with a new friend. As we were swapping downsizing stories, she threw this word out there — OVERHEAD — which immediately struck me. You business people know what ‘overhead’ is. But ‘life overhead,’ as I’ve decided to call it, is ongoing expenditures (whether money, time or emotional energy) that do not directly contribute or bring value or profit to YOUR LIFE — THE LIFE YOU DESIRE.

Downsizing into my SUV: My Methodical Approach to Getting Rid of Stuff

July 24, 2020: My 35th birthday AND the day my house went under contract. My dream of traveling full-time as a gypsy, vagabonding nomad was right there on the horizon... and the only thing in the way of ultimate freedom? A house-full of stuff. I had 7 weeks until closing. So how did I decide what would go and what would stay?

The #1 Finance Fact That Guided my Decision to Downsize

I’m not a financial expert, nor can I predict the future. But I knew that I had significant equity and I had a willing buyer. Combine that with motive (excitement and eagerness for change) and opportunity (remote employment)... and it was an easy decision to sell my home of 7 years and become a full-time nomad.