Less Doing, More BE-ing: My New Commitment

Recently, I made a commitment to myself. When lightning strikes, I will put my personal growth first. Less doing, more be-ing. Balance.

Solo Travel is a Gateway Drug (an Autobiography)

I was born with an urge to roam. It’s innate. When someone like myself decides to go gallivanting around the world alone, the idea didn’t come out of nowhere as if I were struck by lightning. It was a decision that culminated from the escapist urge that’s always been brewing, churning and growing inside me. I started slow; tentatively. I dabbled. I felt the rush. And then a longer trip, a farther trip, a riskier trip, and I was hooked.

I Am Not a Travel Blogger

“Travel blogger,” that’s so cliché. I’m simply a girl, who loves to travel, who is exhilarated by new experiences and places and peoples and cultures. What I want is to describe through words and show through pictures how I feel about solo travel... and hopefully inspire someone, somewhere, to push just a little further out of their comfort zone and perpetually have the best experiences of their life.